class MXNet::Gluon::Data::DataLoader(Element, Batch)


Loads data from a Dataset and returns batches of data.

DataLoader is parameterized by two types: Element, which is the type of the elements in the supplied dataset, and Batch, which is the type of the returned batches.

Batched samples of the source dataset are turned into a batch with the batchify function batchify_fn. The default batchify function operates on a dataset with elements that are either non-aggregate elements or tuples of elements. If the type of Batch is MXNet::NDArray or is a tuple containing this type, the default batchify function will attempt to transform the batched samples into instances of MXNet::NDArray. The default batchify function is:

private class Batchify(E, B)
  def self.batchify(data : Array(E)) : B
    {% if B < Tuple && E < Tuple %}
      {% raise "the default batchify function requires types have the same size: #{B}.size != #{E}.size" unless B.size == E.size %}
        {% for i in (0...B.size) %}
          Batchify({{E.type_vars[i]}}, {{B.type_vars[i]}}).batchify([{{i}}])),
        {% end %}
    {% elsif E == MXNet::NDArray %}
      MXNet::NDArray::Ops._stack(data, num_args: data.size)
    {% elsif B == MXNet::NDArray && (E < Number || E < Array) %}
    {% elsif B == Array(E) %}
    {% else %}
      {% raise "the default batchify function can't transform a batched sample of #{E} into #{B}" %}
    {% end %}

Included Modules

Defined in:



Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def : Indexable(Element), *, shuffle, batch_size, last_batch = :keep, batchify_fn : Array(Element) -> Batch = ->default_batchify_fn(Array(Element))) #

Creates a new instance.


  • dataset (Indexable) Source dataset. Note that any Indexable can be directly used as a Dataset.
  • shuffle (Bool) Whether or not to shuffle the samples.
  • batch_size (Int32) Size of batch.
  • last_batch (:keep, :discard, :rollover) Specifies how the last batch is handled if batch_size does not evenly divide sampler sequence size. If :keep, the last batch will be returned directly, but will contain fewer elements than batch_size requires. If :discard, the last batch will be discarded. If :rollover, the remaining elements will be rolled over to the next iteration.
  • batchify_fn (Proc, default = default_batchify_fn) Function that specifies how to merge samples into a batch.

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Instance Method Detail

def next #
Description copied from module Iterator(Batch)

Returns the next element in this iterator, or Iterator::Stop::INSTANCE if there are no more elements.

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def rewind #

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def size #
Description copied from module Enumerable(Batch)

Returns the number of elements in the collection.

[1, 2, 3, 4].size # => 4

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