abstract struct Number


The top-level number type.

Included Modules

Defined in:


Instance Method Summary

Instance Method Detail

def !=(other : MXNet::NDArray) #

Performs element-wise not equal to (#!=) comparison.

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def !=(other : MXNet::Symbol) #

Performs element-wise not equal to (#!=) comparison.

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def %(other : MXNet::NDArray) #

Performs element-wise modulo.

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def %(other : MXNet::Symbol) #

Performs element-wise modulo.

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def &(other : MXNet::NDArray) #

Performs element-wise logical and (#&) comparison.

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def &(other : MXNet::Symbol) #

Performs element-wise logical and (#&) comparison.

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def *(other : MXNet::NDArray) #

Performs element-wise multiplication.

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def *(other : MXNet::Symbol) #

Performs element-wise multiplication.

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def **(other : MXNet::NDArray) #

Returns the result of this number raised to powers from the array, element-wise.

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def **(other : MXNet::Symbol) #

Returns the result of this number raised to powers from the array, element-wise.

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def +(other : MXNet::NDArray) #

Performs element-wise addition.

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def +(other : MXNet::Symbol) #

Performs element-wise addition.

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def -(other : MXNet::NDArray) #

Performs element-wise subtraction.

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def -(other : MXNet::Symbol) #

Performs element-wise subtraction.

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def /(other : MXNet::NDArray) #

Performs element-wise division.

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def /(other : MXNet::Symbol) #

Performs element-wise division.

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def <(other : MXNet::NDArray) #

Performs element-wise less than (#<) comparison.

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def <(other : MXNet::Symbol) #

Performs element-wise less than (#<) comparison.

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def <=(other : MXNet::NDArray) #

Performs element-wise less than or equal to (#<=) comparison.

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def <=(other : MXNet::Symbol) #

Performs element-wise less than or equal to (#<=) comparison.

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def ==(other : MXNet::NDArray) #

Performs element-wise equal to (#==) comparison.

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def ==(other : MXNet::Symbol) #

Performs element-wise equal to (#==) comparison.

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def >(other : MXNet::NDArray) #

Performs element-wise greater than (#>) comparison.

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def >(other : MXNet::Symbol) #

Performs element-wise greater than (#>) comparison.

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def >=(other : MXNet::NDArray) #

Performs element-wise greater than or equal to (#>=) comparison.

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def >=(other : MXNet::Symbol) #

Performs element-wise greater than or equal to (#>=) comparison.

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def ^(other : MXNet::NDArray) #

Performs element-wise logical xor (#^) comparison.

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def ^(other : MXNet::Symbol) #

Performs element-wise logical xor (#^) comparison.

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def |(other : MXNet::NDArray) #

Performs element-wise logical or (#|) comparison.

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def |(other : MXNet::Symbol) #

Performs element-wise logical or (#|) comparison.

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