module MXNet::Gluon::Utils

Defined in:


Class Method Summary

Class Method Detail

def self.check_sha1(filename, sha1_hash) #

Checks whether the SHA1 hash of the file matches the specified hash.


  • filename (String) Path to the file to check.
  • sha1_hash (String) Expected SHA1 hash in hexadecimal.

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def, path = nil, overwrite = false, sha1_hash = nil) #

Downloads from a URL.

Returns the file path of the downloaded file.


  • url (String) URL to download.
  • path (String, optional) Destination path to store downloaded file. By default, stores to the current directory.
  • overwrite (Bool, default = false) Whether to overwrite destination file if it already exists.
  • sha1_hash (String, optional) Expected SHA1 hash in hexadecimal. Will overwrite existing file when hash is specified but doesn't match.

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def self.get_repo_file_url(namespace, filename) #

Returns the URL for hosted file in the Gluon repository.


  • namespace (String) Namespace of the file.
  • filename (String) Name of the file.

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def self.get_repo_url #

Returns the base URL for the Gluon dataset and model repository.

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